Who we are
We are a small (but growing) team of queers with more than 10 years of experience in the automotive industry, across: parts supply and fit, driving lessons, car restoration, smash repair and insurance, parts interpreting, warehouse management, e-commerce and more. Our team has worked with many companies and models including luxury vehicles and motorcycles.
Through our many years working with cars, motorbikes and other vehicles we have experienced how the industry alienates non-men and the LGBTIQA+ community, leaving too many of us with a lack of knowledge, confidence and skills, and vulnerable to being ripped off or taken advantage of.
Through CCC, we aim to solve this problem by bringing together members of the LGBTQIA+ community with extensive automotive skills and experience to support our own communities to access safe, affirming and supportive automotive care.
Building Automotive Confidence & Autonomy
We know our communities are capable of anything.
Community Car Care aims to instill knowledge and skills for improved automotive independence, so that you become less reliant on the automotive industry over time and build useful transferrable skills for your bright gay future!
Making Automotive Proficiency Fun
Learning about cars and bikes doesn’t need to be daunting!
It can be fun, engaging and empowering. We aim to make all our services environments where you can have fun in the process of learning and building your skills.
Peer-to-Peer Skill Sharing
We know that no one understands the needs of our communities better than us.
We speak with you, not down to you, and harness skills and knowledge from within the LGBTIQA+ community to create learning opportunities and services that are safe and supportive for our peers.
First Nations justice
We recognise that we share this knowledge and do this work on First Nations’ land, and that the systems that disempower and deskill our communities impact First Nations people first and foremost.
We offer our services for free to First Nations people and pay our deepest respects the custodians of all the lands on which we work.
Mutual Aid &
Alternative Economies
We want our services to be accessible to all of our communities and recognise the ways that capitalist systems make car services inaccessible.
We offer scaled pricing, payment plans, and service exchanges in the forms of trades or other offers that might make our services more accessible.